Cold Changes By Lisa Loucks-Christenson Wins First Place in 75 Word Flash Fiction Contest

Cold Changes By Lisa Loucks-Christenson Wins First Place in 75 Word Flash Fiction Contest

Published December 22, 2023 at 23:00 CST
By Lisa Loucks-Christenson
Rochester, Minnesota (RST)  –– Cold Changes By Lisa Loucks-Christenson Wins First Place in 75 Word Flash Fiction Contest 
Lisa Loucks-Christenson's Cold Changes won first place in a 75 word Flash Fiction contest on FanStory.

Cold Changes

She arrived like a snowball thrown into summer, her pain so deep it piqued my empathy, and I forgot mine. 
A mystery woman presenting her cold hard luck. 
Briefly, we embraced and bared our souls. Moments later, she melted into a puddle of out of season tears, hers mixed with mine. 

In my puddled reflection she began to rise, "Your warmth changed me," she laughed. 
Now a cloud on lighter skies, I whispered. "Yours, too." 
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