Collection: Lisa's Comics

Lisa's Comics
Lisa Loucks-Christenson
Original Comics

Award-winning, Bestselling:
Don't Eat Bees!
Dale & Ibby the Bee (Don't Eat Bees!)

       Hallowink Hollow™ Series
Valley & Allie
         Harley Hippo & Friends

            Toads of Telemark™
              Courtly Cottontails™

              Lady of Whitewater


• Daily • Weekly •Bi-Weekly or Annually
Mix and Match - license a comic pack
Christian or Secular
B&W or Color
Hosted on our site and you use your link OR license and print. 
Lisa Loucks-Christenson retains full copyrights 

Courtly Cottontails™  "We're a Comic Team!" #24-05-23-01
Copyright © 2024 Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Courtly Cottontails #24-05-21-01 
Copyright  © 2024 Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Published May 21, 2024 | Toads of Telemark
Copyright © 2024 Lisa Loucks-Christenson

© 2023 Lisa Loucks-Christenson Commander Gets A New Story

Hallowink Hollow Series by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

© 2019 Lisa Loucks-Christenson's Hallowink Hollow
These comics are created as books, they can be serialized daily for your paper or news for the month of October, November, December 

Courtly Cottontails

© 2020 Lisa Loucks-Christenson
Courtly Cottontails™
Best-selling, syndicated cartoon
Merchandise sells out at authors' bookstore
"I Like Your Sweater!"

Toads of Telemark™
© 2021 Lisa Loucks-Christeson
Toads of Telemark, Syndicated Cartoon