Lisa Loucks-Christenson Investigates



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Bestselling and Award-winning Author, Illustrator,

Investigative Photojournalist and Reporter

Lisa Loucks-Christenson





Reports and Books Coming Soon:



Toxic Black Mold, Illegal Entry, Government Corruption:

How to Strike Back If The Commercial Lease

You Signed Turns Into a Perfect Storm

#1, Investigative Photojournalist and Reporter Series

Bestselling and Award-winning Author, Illustrator, 

Investigative Photojournalist and Reporter

Lisa Loucks-Christenson


Frozen Pipes, Hot Cash

#2, Investigative Photojournalist and Reporter Series

Bestselling and Award-winning Author, Illustrator, 

Investigative Photojournalist and Reporter

Lisa Loucks-Christenson


#3, Investigative Photojournalist and Reporter Series

Defending Yourself Against: Hackers, Phishing, Trolls, the Dark Web & Scams

Bestselling and Award-winning Author, Illustrator, 

Investigative Photojournalist and Reporter\

Lisa Loucks-Christenson



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