June 6, 2024, White-Tailed Squirrel Returns With Battle Scars And Bite Marks!

June 6, 2024, White-Tailed Squirrel Returns With Battle Scars And Bite Marks!


Lisa Investigates Column

June 6, 2024

White-Tailed Squirrel Returns With Battle Scars And Bite Marks!

Published in the Rochester Sun Times at 14:36 (2:36 P.M.) CDT.

Rochester, Minnesota (Rochester Sun Times News) - Today, as I walked my outdoor beat, I paused near the dwelling place of rare white-tailed squirrels, the unexpected appearance of one of the elusive white-tailed squirrels brought a feeling of awe to the afternoon.

Caption: White-tailed red squirrel appeared in its possible nesting area, this time, wearing battle scars and bite marks.

Photo: © 2024 Lisa Loucks-Christenson. All Rights Reserved.


Photo: © 2024 Lisa Loucks-Christenson. All Rights Reserved.

This repeat appearance confirmed that the blonde squirrel is a boy. Unfortunately, there is some bad news to share: he has already acquired his first few battle scars and puncture wounds. The reason he was harder to spot when I checked my outdoor beat may be because of this. He may have been weak but recovered, or hiding under brush, not sitting openly like before.

Caption: Blonde, white-tailed red squirrel appeared again on June 6, 2024, this time, bearing battle scars and bite marks.

Photo: © 2024 Lisa Loucks-Christenson. All Rights Reserved.

Over the years, I have dedicated my photography to capturing wildlife in their natural habitats. It astonishes me that I have never encountered an animal with such a low probability of survival as one that fails to blend in. Predators can  easily spot the bright white fluffy tails from the white-tail squirrel "kittens," making the squirrels vulnerable to becoming prey.

Luckily, this young squirrel escaped with only superficial injuries, the scars of which will fade over time, but it lived to tell the tale and spread the message: life is what you make of it.

Apart from this past weekend, there was no trace of the second squirrel, which was believed to be a sibling.

Every now and then, I’ll drop by this unique location, as scarce as the white-tailed squirrels that inhabit it. And when I do, I’ll make sure to take more pictures and videos, so you, the readers, can witness the incredible photo opportunities it presents.

My Motto: Stories and photos are my constant companions, ready to be discovered wherever I go - I never come home without them.

Until My Next Adventure,


Lisa Loucks-Christenson


Article Header Photo Close-up of blonde white-tailed squirrel.


Photo: © 2024 Lisa Loucks-Christenson. All Rights Reserved.

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