May 20, 2024 Thunderstorm Pictures Rochester, Minnesota



May 20, 2024 Thunderstorm Pictures Rochester, Minnesota

Published By Rochester Sun Times News at 21:00 CDT

By Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Rochester, Minnesota (Rochester Sun Times News) – Tonight I observed a dense haze in the skies of northwest Rochester tonight. Rain fell lightly and thunder rumbled in the distance during severe thunderstorm warnings tonight. The fireflies were on the wing; crossing paths with June Bug. A second June Bug arrived and flew haphazardly, veering off course multiple times before finally landing with a clumsy thud near the yard light of the residence I was at.

I’ll be back tomorrow with more storm photos.




Photos © 2024 Lisa Loucks-Christenson

I'll be covering the storms on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.




Lisa Loucks-Christenson is an award-winning creator and holds the position of publisher at the Rochester Sun Times News, an independent source of news. 

Lisa’s contributions, in the form of photographs and articles, have garnered significant recognition as they have been showcased in a diverse range of publications, including trade and consumer magazines, scholarly journals, books and exhibits, outdoor television and radio shows. The distribution of her radio shows, pictures and films, comics, and columns is made possible through syndication.

Feel free to reach out to Lisa at for any inquiries or stories you’d like her to consider.

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