Starling(tm) Comic By Award-winning Creator Lisa Loucks-Christenson makes its debut in the Fall 2024 issue of Clean Fiction Magazine.

Starling(tm) Comic By Award-winning Creator Lisa Loucks-Christenson makes its debut in the Fall 2024 issue of Clean Fiction Magazine.

  • By Lisa Loucks-Christenson
  • Rochester, Minnesota (Rochester Sun Times News) -- Starlings are usually considered a pest or nuisance, they steal other birds food in the wild, they steal nests from other birds, and they make all sorts of noises. Lisa Loucks-Christenson disagrees. In fact, Allie, a young fledgling starling that she found in the alley behind her bookstore, has given her a deeper perspective in her faith. 
  • Allie, is a little over two years old. She has been talking for almost 18 months. The first thing she said was, "My head hurts." It's nothing Lisa ever taught her, that along with other phrases she's picked up.
  • She knows every family member, her best friend was Valentine, a Chihuahua, and cat. Many mornings all three animals would sun themselves in the living room. They were the reason Lisa started a middle grade book series, (not released), about their adventures. 
  • Lisa was diagnosed by Mayo Clinic as allergic to birds. She had to rehome her bird companions she'd had for many years. Allie has proven, God is greater and has a purpose for Allie, a baby bird that couldn't fly, arriving on something that caused her to run out onto 2nd Street SW, one of the busiest streets in Rochester, Minnesota. Lisa jumped out of their truck and grabbed her, seconds before a car was coming down the street. 
  • Her husband said, "What are you going to do? You're allergic to birds."
  • Lisa replied, "God will have to figure it out. She needs me."
  • It turns out that Lisa is one of many starling owners, many that have written their own books. Lisa interviewed Yumi Kyle who found a starling as a young girl, and it lived to become the oldest living starling, at that time, in the Guiness Book of World Records, a starling named, Kuro. Mozart has a starling that became his muse. Allie enjoys watching Stella the starling on YouTube.
  • Lisa's been working on a documentary of their time together since their first meeting. Allie has been featured in her own adventure series, Valentine's Adventures, The Adventures of Valentine and Allie, Toads of Telemark, Hallowinks, and the Courtly Cottontails, and helped Lisa earn a prize in a flash fiction writing competition about their bond. 
  • The artwork Lisa's created entertains her customers, and is some of her top selling art. Not bad for a wildlife photographer known for shooting eagle portraits, and one of the most despised birds--one that has gained popularity; at least in Lisa's Peacock Books & Wildlife Art Bookstore and Bistro, located on the Peace Plaza, in downtown Rochester, Minnesota, in the "heart of the city," that beats to its own . . . heartbeat of a starling, once lost, then found, and like her husband says, "She hasn't stopped talking since."
  • Come check out Lisa's upcoming exhibits featuring Allie, and her adventures.
  • 20 1st Street SW, Rochester, Minnesota. Across from the Chateau Theater, in the old Mac's Cafe building. 
  • Recap:
  • Starling(tm) Comic By Award-winning Creator Lisa Loucks-Christenson makes its debut in the Fall 2024 issue of Clean Fiction Magazine.
  • An Outspoken Starling and a Comic Artist Portray God's Teaching and Love.
  • Starlingo is a Christian comic is inspired by Allie, a real starling Lisa rescued from the alley behind her bookstore. Allie talks, whistles, sings, comes on command, calls and talks in family members voices, calls pets by name, and says things she's picked up on her own from the sounds she takes in. 
  • All loose, matted, framed art and brand merchandise is sold exclusively at Peacock Books & Wildlife Art Bistro on Peace Plaza, 20 1st St. SW, Rochester, Minnesota 55902.
  • If you're a publisher interested in licensing Lisa Loucks-Christenson's "Starlingo"comic series, or any of Lisa's comics, please send your information using the contact form.
  • Courtly Cottontails(tm) 23 books
  • Toads of Telemark(tm) 2 books
  • Starlingo(tm)
  • Dale & Ibby from Lisa's award-winning and best-selling book, "Don't Eat Bees(tm)."
  • Hallowinks(tm) Hallowink Hollow(tm) - 11 books
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